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Write (with AI)

Welcome to Write (with AI), the platform for you to write stories with (or without) the aid of AI.

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A person, frozen in shock and fear, undergoes a sudden and dramatic physical transformation in a dimly lit room. The image captures the moment of realization as they come to terms with their new form, feeling the weight of their altered body and examining their changed appearance in a mirror.

Metamorphosis of Alexandria: A Gender Odyssey

A transgender military officer confronts her radical transformation, grappling with her changing identity and memories from her past as a man.

Standing alone in her uniform, Alexandria slowly processed the radical transformation. Her hands moved to her chest, fingers brushing against the unfamiliar rise and fall …... Read full story


Sat, Apr 27, 2024

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AI Prompts


Tue, Apr 4, 2024

A mystical image of a young adventurer standing before an ancient tapestry depicting a climber in mid-air, performing a breathtaking dyno movement. Soft, ethereal light bathes the chamber, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.

"Melody of Change: A Tale of Self-Acceptance in Wuhan"

0 Points

Chapter 1: A Bitter-Sweet Symphony of Life In the heart of Wuhan, the city with endless culinary wonders and fascinating nights - resided Song Wuling. Of celestial descent, Wuling was once an epitome of the coveted Chinese beauty standards - sleek, thin as a reed, and refined like an elegant scroll painting. At 48kg, her miniature frame of 1.56m was like a willowy bamboo swaying with the whims of the wind. Her raven hair, spun into a neat intricate ponytail, shimmered like a black satin ribbon under the tranquil moonlight. Her facial features, exquisitely chiseled by years of her ancestor's …

AI Prompt

Please write the first chapter of a weight gain story with the following details:main character: Song Wuling, a 27 year old Chinese woman from and living in Wuhanshe married her husband when she was 24at her marriage, she was 48kg and has since gained 15kgshe is 1.56m tall, has long black hair that she wears as pony tail and traditional beautiful face for Chinese standards; give a detailed description of her looks at the beginningher husband got unhappy with her weigh-gain and cheated with stick-thin woman; the Chinese beauty standard has to be mentionedWuling gets a divorce from her husband, but felt really bad about it and took to comfort food, gaining another 5 kgplease give detailed descriptions of Wuling's appearance at 48kg, at 63kg, and at 68kg; use lengthy and flowerful but precise descriptionsshe is struggling with her weight gain, but can't help it, as she loves food to much; she does not accept her weight gain (yet)the whole setting is in Wuhan and everything in the story should have central Chinese / Hunanese flavour


Fri, Apr 4, 2024

An image showcasing two women with contrasting appearances – one with regal features and another with a humble demeanor – symbolizing the transpositions of power in a mystical tale of identity and self-discovery.

"Tales of Enchantment: The Diaper Dilemma"

Una adolescente hechicera se encuentra en apuros al despertar con un pañal mágicamente pegado a ella en una mañana extraordinaria. Su hermano mayor intenta revertir el hechizo, pero en su lugar la convierte en su yo de 5 años. La familia Russo se moviliza entre risas y lágrimas para ayudar a devolver a la chica a la normalidad y deshacerse del pañal.

Título: Encantamientos y Pañales: Un Hechizo Errado Una extraordinaria y peculiar mañana, los Russo, la exótica familia de hechiceros radicada en Nueva York, despertaron listos …... Read full story


Fri, Feb 23, 2024

"The Whispering Stars: A Journey of Hope and Discovery"

AI Prompt

A freshman girl of a sorority house is forced by the sorority house's president to swallow every other member of the sorority house. As her belly swells with each girl she swallows, her belly aches with greater intensity and she becomes increasingly gassier. After she finishes swallowing all 50 members of the sorority house and the sorority house's president, she is left with an enormous and aching belly, and she burps and farts uncontrollably. She also enjoys her giant aching belly and rubs her belly while burping and farting.


Sat, Jan 1, 2024

"Enamorados del Destino" - A romantic image depicting a couple embracing lovingly as they gaze into each other's eyes, surrounded by a soft, dreamy atmosphere.