I would create the ability for people to sign up for the subscribe/unsubscribe for the newsletter. When subscribed, the user would receive emails (probably about once every 2 weeks) giving them an update on what's been happening on The Internet. I'll probably provide a list of any features I added, links to any articles that got posted, any questions that got asked on Ask AI that I found interesting, description of what I've been working on, and maybe other stuff I find interesting enough to share. Your feedback on what you'd like to have included in the newsletter would be very helpful!
Status: Idea
Difficulty: 1
['I want to be able to subscribe to a newsletter, to stay updated about what's new on The Internet.','I want the choice to unsubscribe from the newsletter if it's no longer relevant to my interests.','I want to learn about new features and improvements made to The Internet, so that I can better utilize them.','I want to get insights into interesting questions asked on Ask AI, increasing my knowledge and engagement with the portal.','I want to know what the product manager team is currently working on, to get a sense of upcoming updates or changes.'] - gpt-4
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