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Scientific thinking is a superpower. And more founders need to learn it. These are the mental models that make scientists great Founders.


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The webpage titled "A Scientific Approach To Your Company (And Your Life)" by Omri Drory, Ph.D. explores the application of scientific principles in business and life management. Drory emphasizes that understanding science isn't about belief, but rather a commitment to hypothesis testing and truth seeking. He highlights three key concepts: understanding exponential growth, managing and manipulating energy, and knowing which rules are breakable. Drory argues that successful founders and entrepreneurs often exhibit a scientific mindset. Understanding exponential growth is crucial, as it underpins significant changes and advancements, whether in technology or nature. This understanding can help entrepreneurs identify potential areas of rapid growth and capitalize on them. Managing and manipulating energy refers to the concept of activation energy, the energy needed to start a process or reaction. Drory suggests lowering the "imagination barrier" to reduce the energy required to initiate actions or changes. This can be applied in areas like customer acquisition or pitching to investors. Knowing which rules are breakable differentiates between societal conventions and the immutable laws of physics. Successful founders know the difference and focus on breaking man-made rules to innovate while respecting the physical boundaries. Lastly, Drory uses the analogy of a concert crowd and falling beach balls to illustrate the importance of positioning oneself in the right area of opportunity for maximum gain. He encourages entrepreneurs to locate themselves beneath the "beach balls" or opportunities that align with their goals. The article concludes by reaffirming the shared journey of founders and investors in navigating these opportunities.

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April 22, 2024, 10:15 p.m.

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