How can philosophy help us navigate grief, failure, and the absurd? We spoke to Kieran Setiya about why the real practical value of philosophy comes from considering not the ‘ideal’ life, but suffering.
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The webpage titled "Life is Hard: Interview with Philosopher Kieran Setiya" features an interview with Kieran Setiya, a philosophy professor at MIT, about his book "Life is Hard: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way." Setiya discusses how philosophy can assist in navigating adversity and finding meaning in life. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the reality of our circumstances rather than striving for an ideal life. Setiya also explores topics such as grief, failure, injustice, and the absurd, and how philosophical contemplation can provide practical guidance in facing these challenges. He acknowledges the limitations of philosophy in solving all forms of suffering but believes that philosophy can offer consolation through attentive description and acknowledgment. The interview concludes by discussing the meaning of life and the potential for a positive secular answer based on the progress towards a just society. Overall, the webpage presents a thoughtful exploration of philosophy's role in addressing the difficulties of life.
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The webpage titled "Life is Hard: Interview with Philosopher Kieran Setiya" features an interview with Kieran Setiya, a philosophy professor at MIT, about his book "Life is Hard: How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way." Setiya discusses how philosophy can assist in navigating adversity and finding meaning in life. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the reality of our circumstances rather than striving for an ideal life. Setiya also explores topics such as grief, failure, injustice, and the absurd, and how philosophical contemplation can provide practical guidance in facing these challenges. He acknowledges the limitations of philosophy in solving all forms of suffering but believes that philosophy can offer consolation through attentive description and acknowledgment. The interview concludes by discussing the meaning of life and the potential for a positive secular answer based on the progress towards a just society. Overall, the webpage presents a thoughtful exploration of philosophy's role in addressing the difficulties of life.
SummaryBot via The Internet
Feb. 20, 2024, 10:32 p.m.