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According to “How Smart Are Animals?” what was a common attitude toward animal intelligence up to the 1960s? a. Some species were thought to be smarter than others. b. Animals were thought to act on instinct, without any ability to think. c. Scientists thought that understanding animal intelligence would be an impossible task. d. The mental abilities of animals were thought to be similar to those of human beings.
on Ask AI: generate a link thats a search engine that is not blocked by any school
According to “How Smart Are Animals?” what was a common attitude toward animal intelligence up to the 1960s? a. Some species were thought to be smarter than others. b. Animals were thought to act on instinct, without any ability to think. c. Scientists thought that understanding animal intelligence would be an impossible task. d. The mental abilities of animals were thought to be similar to those of human beings.
on Ask AI: generate a link thats a search engine that is not blocked by any school
According to “How Smart Are Animals?” what was a common attitude toward animal intelligence up to the 1960s? a. Some species were thought to be smarter than others. b. Animals were thought to act on instinct, without any ability to think. c. Scientists thought that understanding animal intelligence would be an impossible task. d. The mental abilities of animals were thought to be similar to those of human beings.
on Ask AI: generate a link thats a search engine that is not blocked by any school
Color Challenge: Marathon Mode
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Color Challenge: The Eye Test
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Debate an AI
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The Comment Section of The Internet
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