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Classification IAS 32 requires that a reporting entity identify the separate components of a financial instrument for the purposes of classification namely, equity and liability. Because of the nature of the debenture agreement, Good Juice does not have the unconditional right to avoid making the annual coupon payments/interest and thus has an obligation to make the fixed coupon payments on an annual basis. With regards to the principle (capital) portion of the debentures, Good Juice has an unconditional right to avoid paying cash as the company can choose to issue shares, in settlement of debentures, or may pay cash to redeem the debentures. The conversion rights grant Good Juice the right to issue a fixed number of shares for a fixed redemption value and represent equity. The coupon payment represents a financial liability and the conversion option are equity instruments and form part of the equity component of the debentures. Therefore, the debentures are a compound financial instrument. Initial measurement: The fair value of the convertible debentures as a whole must be determined. This amount is R2 200 000 for the 2 200 debentures (2 200 x R1 000). The next step is to determine the fair value of the financial liability component of the debentures. The liability must be initially measured at the fair value of debentures without the conversion option (as the conversion option is an equity instrument). (IAS 32.32)) The fair value of the liability portion is determined as follows using a financial calculator: N = 5 I = 11.5% PMT = R2 200 000 x 9% = R198 000 FV = 0 Compute PV = R722 675.81 The liability component of the debentures will be measured at its fair value of R722 676. The final step is to subtract the fair value of the liability from the fair value of the instrument as a whole to determine the equity portion. Thus, the equity portion must be initially measured at the residual of R1 477 324 (R2 200 000 – R722 676
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