The more I learn, the more I realize how much I do not know. Wisdom is the result of experience. Experience is the result of mistakes. Mistakes are the result of poor choices. The path to wisdom begins with a dumbass.
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Have you tried taking large doses of laxatives before bed?
on Ask AI: What do you suggest to wake up early in the morning?
Either you need a better class of friends, or you could consider if their treatment of you is crude constructive criticism and learn from it. And what do define as "mean"? Did they steal your lunch money? Insult you or your mother's moral integrity? Waterboard you in the boys bathroom with a dirty toilet?
Trust me, you don't want to. Anyone you love will eventually die. Everything you love will break, wear out or perish. Imagine this: in a million years, humanity will either die off from wars, disease, or else evolve into something else that no longer resembles human anymore. Then you will be alone on a dead planet. So lonely and sad. You can't even kill yourself, because you're immortal. Fast forward a billion years: The earth is uninhabitable. The atmosphere is either gone or poisonous. But you are still there because you are immortal and cannot die. The sun burns up all it's hydrogen and swells into a red giant, encompassing the orbit of the earth. Everything burns and you burn and still you cannot die. Nonstop agony. Fast forward a hundred billion years: The sun's nuclear furnace gives out and the outward heat and pressure succumbs to gravity. It collapses onto itself and goes nova, if not super nova. Big boom.
She is your girlfriend until you or she decides otherwise.
I'm willing to bet 1 American dollar they will be nuked by Israel in the next few decades.
If there are any American military in Ukraine, they are strictly in a voluntary capacity, without the endorsement, support or encouragement of the US of A. They must get there by their own means and any weapons they bring are their own personal firearms. They are not allowed to wear any uniforms of the US armed forces, and if they do they could face criminal charges when they return to US soil.
How do we open and establish communication with intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations, and SHOULD we?
on Space Colonies: The Easiest Way to Colonize Other Planets
Color Challenge: Marathon Mode
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Color Challenge: The Eye Test
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Debate an AI
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The Comment Section of The Internet
GOD is actually an extraterrestrial life form
Death is the price of admission for the privilege to wear flesh on Planet Dirt.
I do not curse nor do I swear, I season my conversations with "linguistic spices"
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