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The place where Rizal was welcomed in Barcelona - 1 point A. Plaza Barcelona B. Plaza Madrid C. Plaza Dilao D. Plaza de Cataluna 2) In what artwork did Rizal pose as an Egyptian priest? - 2 point A. Sikatuna B. The Death of Cleopatra C. The Spolarium D. The Blood Compact 3) The pen name of Marcelo del Pilar in defending Noli - 1 point A. Laong - Laan B. Dimasalang C. Dolores Manapat D. P. Jacinto 4) It was an essay dedicated to his fatherland - 1 point A. La Juventud Filipina B. Amor Patrio C. Los Viajes D. Mi Piden Versus 5) The editor of La Publicidad (newspaper) - 1 point A. Graciano Lopez Jaena B. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Senior Eusebio Corosima D. Basilio Teodoro Moran 6) Jose Rizal characterized people of Barcelona EXCEPT one - 1 point A. Courageous B. Hospitable C. Open-minded D. Industrious 7) The publisher of Diaryong Tagalog - 1 point A. Marcelo H. del Pilar B. Graciano Lopez Jaena C. Basilio Teodoro Moran D. Antonio Luna 8) A Las Flores de Heidelberg was written in what country? - 1 point A. France B. Italy C. Germany D. Switzerland 9) If the Universidad Central de Madrid is for Jose Rizal, then _________ is for Maximo Viola - 2 point A. University of Heidelberg B. University of Barcelona C. UCM D. UST 10) Which was NOT a reason why Rizal would like to stay in Berlin - 2 point A. To improve his training and skills in ophthalmology B. To hone his knowledge of science and techniques C. To study the economic and political state of Germany D. To start writing his novel Noli Me Tangere 11) The vessel that brought Jose Rizal to Singapore - 1 point A. Salvadora B. Djemna C. Naples D. Aden 12) What was the main theme of Amor Patrio? - 1 point A. Freedom B. Nationalism C. Love of Work D. Unity 13) Which was NOT learned from a private tutor when Rizal was in Madrid? - 1 point A. Italian B. English C. French D. German 14) Which is NOT true with Colombo? - 1 point A. The biggest city in Sri Lanka B. The capital of Sri Lanka C. It is more beautiful,and elegant as compared to Madrid D. Colombo has a wonderful scenery 15) The following describe Ferdinand Blumentritt EXCEPT one - 2 point A. He came from Prague, Czech Republic B. He was a teacher and a secondary school principal from Litomerice C. The Director of Ateneo, Litomerice D. He was a friend of Maximo Viola 16) It was the gift from Saturnina on Jose Rizals first trip abroad - 1 point A. Gold necklace B. Diamond ring C. Gold ring D. Bracelet 17) Where was the very first European Country Rizal reached? - 1 point A. Singapore B. SriLanka C. Italy D. France 18) The founder of Singapore. - 1 point A. Sir Thomas Edison B. Maximo Viola C. Ferdinand Blumentritt D. Sir Edison Thomas Raffles 19) He translated the work of Jose Rizal in Tagalog - 1 point A. Juan Luna B. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Felix Hidalgo D. Antonio Luna 20) The best description of Noli Me Tangere - 2 point A. A realist novel in which it exposed brutal acts.and unfair practices of Spaniards against the Filipinos B. It was patterned from Uncle Toms Cabin C. It was published in Europe D. Ferdinand Blumentritt said tha Noli was written with the blood of the heart 21) The pen name of Jose Rizal in Barcelona - 1 point A. Dimasalang B. Laong Laan C. P. Jacinto D. Acaccia 22) It was costliest capital of Europe. - 2 point A. Heidelberg B. Paris C. Berlin D. Madrid 23) Which does NOT described Maximo Viola - 1 point A. The savior of Noli Me Tangere B. He was from San Miguel, Tarlac C. He came fron a rich clan D. A classmate of Rizal in medicine 24) The sickness that ravaged Manila while Rizal was in Barcelona. - 1 point A. diarrhea B. cholera C. gas pain D. leprosy
on Ask AI: Short answer of How does childhood life of Jose Rizal inspire you as students?
The place where Rizal was welcomed in Barcelona - 1 point A. Plaza Barcelona B. Plaza Madrid C. Plaza Dilao D. Plaza de Cataluna 2) In what artwork did Rizal pose as an Egyptian priest? - 2 point A. Sikatuna B. The Death of Cleopatra C. The Spolarium D. The Blood Compact 3) The pen name of Marcelo del Pilar in defending Noli - 1 point A. Laong - Laan B. Dimasalang C. Dolores Manapat D. P. Jacinto 4) It was an essay dedicated to his fatherland - 1 point A. La Juventud Filipina B. Amor Patrio C. Los Viajes D. Mi Piden Versus 5) The editor of La Publicidad (newspaper) - 1 point A. Graciano Lopez Jaena B. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Senior Eusebio Corosima D. Basilio Teodoro Moran 6) Jose Rizal characterized people of Barcelona EXCEPT one - 1 point A. Courageous B. Hospitable C. Open-minded D. Industrious 7) The publisher of Diaryong Tagalog - 1 point A. Marcelo H. del Pilar B. Graciano Lopez Jaena C. Basilio Teodoro Moran D. Antonio Luna 8) A Las Flores de Heidelberg was written in what country? - 1 point A. France B. Italy C. Germany D. Switzerland 9) If the Universidad Central de Madrid is for Jose Rizal, then _________ is for Maximo Viola - 2 point A. University of Heidelberg B. University of Barcelona C. UCM D. UST 10) Which was NOT a reason why Rizal would like to stay in Berlin - 2 point A. To improve his training and skills in ophthalmology B. To hone his knowledge of science and techniques C. To study the economic and political state of Germany D. To start writing his novel Noli Me Tangere 11) The vessel that brought Jose Rizal to Singapore - 1 point A. Salvadora B. Djemna C. Naples D. Aden 12) What was the main theme of Amor Patrio? - 1 point A. Freedom B. Nationalism C. Love of Work D. Unity 13) Which was NOT learned from a private tutor when Rizal was in Madrid? - 1 point A. Italian B. English C. French D. German 14) Which is NOT true with Colombo? - 1 point A. The biggest city in Sri Lanka B. The capital of Sri Lanka C. It is more beautiful,and elegant as compared to Madrid D. Colombo has a wonderful scenery 15) The following describe Ferdinand Blumentritt EXCEPT one - 2 point A. He came from Prague, Czech Republic B. He was a teacher and a secondary school principal from Litomerice C. The Director of Ateneo, Litomerice D. He was a friend of Maximo Viola 16) It was the gift from Saturnina on Jose Rizals first trip abroad - 1 point A. Gold necklace B. Diamond ring C. Gold ring D. Bracelet 17) Where was the very first European Country Rizal reached? - 1 point A. Singapore B. SriLanka C. Italy D. France 18) The founder of Singapore. - 1 point A. Sir Thomas Edison B. Maximo Viola C. Ferdinand Blumentritt D. Sir Edison Thomas Raffles 19) He translated the work of Jose Rizal in Tagalog - 1 point A. Juan Luna B. Marcelo H. del Pilar C. Felix Hidalgo D. Antonio Luna 20) The best description of Noli Me Tangere - 2 point A. A realist novel in which it exposed brutal acts.and unfair practices of Spaniards against the Filipinos B. It was patterned from Uncle Toms Cabin C. It was published in Europe D. Ferdinand Blumentritt said tha Noli was written with the blood of the heart 21) The pen name of Jose Rizal in Barcelona - 1 point A. Dimasalang B. Laong Laan C. P. Jacinto D. Acaccia 22) It was costliest capital of Europe. - 2 point A. Heidelberg B. Paris C. Berlin D. Madrid 23) Which does NOT described Maximo Viola - 1 point A. The savior of Noli Me Tangere B. He was from San Miguel, Tarlac C. He came fron a rich clan D. A classmate of Rizal in medicine 24) The sickness that ravaged Manila while Rizal was in Barcelona. - 1 point A. diarrhea B. cholera C. gas pain D. leprosy
on Ask AI: Short answer of How does childhood life of Jose Rizal inspire you as students?
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