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The scientific evidence can be found in chromosome #2 and the non-evolutionary splice in human DNA .
Rib= RIBonucleic acid (RNA) Serpent= Annunaki Apple= Eve Eve= Annunaki / Human (w/Adams RNA or RIBonucleic acid) Immaculate Conception= Artificial Insemination "God" or the father= Annunaki /Sperm donor/ Made in his image The Son= Annunaki/Human/Whistle blower/Savior Vatican = Divining or Divine Serpent Freewill= Freedom Illuminati= Anunnaki 1% = control 99% of the world's economy US one dollar bill = slave money Pyramid and eye = to remind us that even though we have free will or freedom, they ("Gods") are still watching. They live among and control us (most behind the scenes) but we don't who they are because we were made in their image. It's time to wake up!
when I asked google how long it takes for a skeleton to decompose this is the answer I got. "If animals do not destroy or move the bones, skeletons normally take around 20 years to dissolve in fertile soil. However, in sand or neutral soil, skeletons can remain intact for hundreds of years". We have dinosaur bones in museums today that are 100's of millions of year old. If mineralization doesn't happen quickly, there is no way any full skeletons of any creature from the past would exist. Radiation from space (solar flares) is what mineralizes organic matter and it has created every mineral on this and every other rocky planet in the universe.
Color Challenge: Marathon Mode
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Color Challenge: The Eye Test
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