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Question: Write a story about Zeus the greek god of lightning discovering that his father was actually a Saiyan and not Cronos, and he is actually the son of Alcon the Saiyan and Rhea , and all of this strength is just because of him being Saiyan and the lightning thing is just his KI formed as an energy then he rushes angrily to his mother and speak with her. but then at the end of this storyBeerus shows up of nowhere and says "meh this planet's food is not good" and then he basically destroys the Earth and kills everyone and go back to his planet.
Zeus was feeling mixed emotions as he was always told that he was the son of Cronos, the Titan god of the sky, and Rhea, the goddess of fertility. He grew up listening to the stories of his father's power and was proud of his lineage. He'd always been a strong leader, but it was his power of lightning that truly set him apart from the other gods. But now he had discovered that his father was not Cronos, but a Saiyan warrior named Alcon. It was all due to his Saiyan blood, the power of lightning he harnessed was his own ki energy, the hidden power of all Saiyans. Furious, Zeus rushed to Rhea, demanding to know why she had lied to him all these years. Surely she had known the truth, so why had she kept it from him? Rhea's response was that she had wanted him to know only the story of his heroic father, not his savage true origins. She had wanted him to be proud. Zeus accepted her explanation, but still felt betrayed and confused. He had never asked for this power, so why had it been given to him? Suddenly, a loud noise filled the sky, and Zeus looked up to see the immense figure of Beerus, the God of Destruction, hovering above his kingdom. Beerus had come to judge the food of the planet, and he had deemed it unworthy. He declared that the planet must be destroyed, and with a single wave of his hand, the entire world was engulfed in a destructive energy. Zeus was powerless against the god of destruction. He watched in horror as the planet and all its inhabitants were swallowed up in a matter of seconds. With one last glance at his kingdom and the ashes of his people, Zeus could only accept his fate and allow himself to be taken away by the God of Destruction. At least he could take solace in the knowledge that the planet had been destroyed not because of his Saiyan roots, but due to the sheer power of Beerus. The power of gods and the power of Saiyans had collided, and the planet and all its people had become the victims of divine justice.
Jan. 6, 2023, 12:04 a.m.
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