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Question: you were hired by valve, what would be the best 10 roast comeback voice lines for a ninja dominating Solider from tf2
1. "Your tactics are as effective as your sense of direction—nowhere!" 2. "Your aim is as accurate as your job security!" 3. "If failure means succeeding, you must be the world’s champion!" 4. "What's the word I'm looking for? Ah, yes, defeated!" 5. "You’re about as useful in combat as a wet match!" 6. "I think you need to concentrate on something that you're actually good at... like losing!" 7. "Your soldiering skills are about as sharp as a bowling ball!" 8. "You must be so proud of yourself...for not managing to take me down!" 9. "My grandma can fight better than you can!" 10. "Maybe you should go back to basic training...or is that where you just came from?"
Feb. 22, 2023, 2:42 p.m.
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