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Question: you were hired by valve, what would be the best 10 roast comeback voice lines for a ninja dominating Medic from tf2
1. "Ninjas don't just sneak around and hide, they also dominate Medics!" 2. "Well, you know what they say, Medic: Ninja's always win!" 3. "Looks like you just got served, Medic!" 4. "Lose the syringe, Medics don't stand a chance against a ninja!" 5. "Your Medic skills don't stand a chance against me, pal!" 6. "My ninja skill is too strong for your Medic-ing!" 7. "You should really stop trying to play Medic, you've got no chance against me!" 8. "Reckon you should have gone for the Heavy instead of the Medic!" 9. "Sorry Doc, Ninja's take this round!" 10. "It's time for a new prescription: stay away from Ninjas!"
Feb. 22, 2023, 2:54 p.m.
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