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Question: you were hired by valve, what would be the best 10 roast comeback voice lines for a ninja dominating Heavy from tf2
1. "You must really be enjoying being dominated by a ninja, Heavy. Time to brush up on your fighting skills!" 2. "I thought Heavy was known for his strength, not his ability to get beat up by a ninja!" 3. "Maybe if you put as much effort in beating me as you do eating Sandviches you might actually win!" 4. "Hey Heavy, shouldn't you be stronger than me? Or is it just my ninja skills that are too much for you?" 5. "I think it’s time for Heavy to go back to his Weight Room and practice his moves!” 6. "Maybe if you were less “Heavy” and more “Lightning” you could win!” 7. "I'm guessing I'm just too much for you, Heavy. Time to practice more!" 8. "I guess you're not as Heavy as your name suggests, are you?" 9. "Try using your head for something other than a Bulldozer, Heavy!" 10. "I thought you Heavy's were supposed to be tough? Guess not!"
Feb. 22, 2023, 2:55 p.m.
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