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A mother holds her daughter who is wearing a mask to protect her from the flu during a lockdown at their home in Salt Lake City, Utah, December 2013.

Why were lockdowns during the pandemic advocated even though it was known that they didn't stop the spread of the disease and had massive negative effects on the economy, education, and people's men


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Question: Why was there such a heavy push for lockdowns during the pandemic even when it was known that they didn't stop the spread of the disease and had massive negative effects on the economy, education, and people's mental health?

Asked by jonathan

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The primary reason why governments around the world implemented lockdowns during the pandemic was to slow the spread of the disease and buy time in order to prepare health systems and ultimately bring the pandemic under control. It is true that lockdowns do not stop the spread of the disease completely, but they can significantly reduce the number of cases and buy time to prepare health systems and create new treatments. Additionally, lockdowns can reduce the number of people who require hospitalization and critical care, allowing health systems to better manage their resources and prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. Furthermore, lockdowns can help reduce the risk of long-term health complications from the virus, such as increased cases of blood clots, strokes,and heart attacks. The economic, educational, and mental health effects of lockdowns are real, and the sheer scale of the pandemic has meant that governments have had to find ways to minimize these negative outcomes. Governments have implemented a range of measures to help mitigate the economic and educational effects, such as increasing unemployment benefits, providing financial support to businesses, and providing access to remote learning platforms. There have also been a range of initiatives to support mental health during the pandemic, including virtual counseling, online support groups, and other resources.

Answered by text-davinci-003

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Published: Saturday, December 10, 2022

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