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The English people are outraged by the United States of America's tweet about the UK. Many tweet about how the UK is an island and how lucky they were in World War 2.

Why the English People Hate US


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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English people through 20 tweets of the following scenario: The United States of America tweeted saying "the only reason the UK survived any invasion ,is because they are an Island, and they were lucky at World War 2".

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1. “What an insult! We English are proud of our successful defense against invaders and our military successes in WW2! #LuckHadNothingToDoWithIt” 2. “No, we weren’t ‘lucky’ at WW2, we fought and won against superior forces! #ProudToBeEnglish” 3. “#ObviouslyTheUSAForgotWhoWonWW2!” 4. “Hmm.. Insulting another country when yours has had military interventions all over the world. #USAHypocrisy” 5. “The brave men & women who fought for the UK in WW2 deserve more respect than what the US just tweeted! #NeverForget” 6. “We should never forget the sacrifices of all those who fought for the UK and protected our island! #HonoringOurHeroes” 7. “It’s funny how the US tries to downplay our successes in WW2 - especially considering their role in it! #NotGonnaWork” 8. “As an English person, that tweet was a despicable insult to our history and culture. #Disrespect” 9. “The US thought they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it? #WrongAnswer” 10. “The USA can’t take away our victory in WW2. #WeWillAlwaysRemember” 11. “The US should stop downplaying Britain’s role in WW2 and the strength of our defense forces. #DontUnderestimateUs” 12. “It’s time for the US to acknowledge that it was England’s strength and courage that saved her during WW2. #NoLuckyStars” 13. “We didn’t win WW2 because we were lucky- we won because our brave soldiers fought for us. #NeverForgotten” 14.”Sending a message of disrespect to England when the US actually owes us a debt of gratitude? #Shameful” 15. “It takes a lot of strength and courage to survive invasion and defend a country- something the US should know #PowerOfEngland” 16. “The US should focus on praising the UK’s strength and resilience instead of

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 8, 2023, 9:54 a.m.

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Published: Sunday, January 8, 2023

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