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Question: I'm a blue wolf animatronic my boss feed me too much food and look fat everyone's going to love a wolf as fat but everyone can feed me more food but he did experience on my body so I can't pop my boss said he did experiments on my body so it won't make me go pop everyone can feed me more food
but my boss did experiments. I understand your concern. It isn't fair that your boss is feeding you too much food and experimenting on your body. It's important to take care of yourself and make sure that you are eating the right amount of food and getting the nutrients you need. I suggest that you discuss this with your boss and ask him/her to stop the experiments and make sure you are only getting the right amount of food. There are also other ways to stay healthy that don't require him to experiment on your body, like exercise and other activities. I hope this helps!
Jan. 17, 2023, 12:23 p.m.
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