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Profile picture of Benny Safdie, a talented filmmaker and writer, known for his collaboration with Nathan Fielder on the show 'The Curse'.

Ask AI: Who is Benny Safdie? I just saw he wrote the show 'The Curse' with Nathan Fielder.


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Question: Who is Benny Safdie? I just saw he wrote the show 'The Curse' with Nathan Fielder.

Asked by The Internet

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Benny Safdie is a renowned filmmaker who, along with his brother, Josh Safdie, has co-directed several independent films. These include "Good Time" and "Uncut Gems," which were both critically acclaimed. Born in New York, the Safdie brothers are known for their intense, immersive style and their focus on character-driven narratives. The show you mentioned, "The Curse", is a comedy series where Benny Safdie and Nathan Fielder aim to explore how an alleged curse disturbs the relationship of a newly married couple who star in a problematic HGTV show. Benny Safdie is involved in this project as a co-creator, co-star, and executive producer. Nathan Fielder is also a co-creator, star, and executive producer.

Answered by gpt-4

Dec. 5, 2023, 2:37 p.m.

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Published: Tuesday, December 5, 2023

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