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Question: speculate the reaction of the world governments through 25 tweets through the following scenario: Bosnia began successfully conquering Serbia with the casus beli of Conquering the Infield lands. and then Bosnia successfully Conquered Croatia and Peacefuly annexing Albania. and defeated the combined forces of the European Union of 550000 strong Army. and then Bosnia advanced to the Italian peninsula Conquering almost all of northern Italy and massacring entire populations.
1. #WorldGovernments in shock as #Bosnia launches attack on #Serbia & successfully conquers #Croatia, annexing #Albania without firing a shot. 2. #EU condemns #Bosnia's aggression & build a 550000 person strong army. 3. #Bosnia undaunted, continues to advance southward invading & conquering #NorthernItaly. 4. #WorldGovernments scrambling to prevent #Bosnia's march of conquest & devastation #NorthernItaly. 5. #UN Security Council's statement condemns #Bosnia's attack on #NorthernItaly & calls for immediate ceasefire. 6. #WorldGovernments join together to demand that #Bosnia abandons its aggressive campaign of conquest & halts its advance on #NorthernItaly. 7. #Bosnia responds to international pressure by continuing the invasion of #NorthernItaly & by brutally massacring entire populations. 8. #UN Security Council in unanimous condemnation of #Bosnia's continued aggression & call for a full ceasefire. 9. #WorldGovernments demand that #Bosnia withdraw from #NorthernItaly immediately & agree to a negotiated peace. 10. #EU deploys troops to assist #NorthernItaly in defending against #Bosnia's advancing forces. 11. #WorldGovernments threaten to use military force to end #Bosnia's occupation of #NorthernItaly if it fails to comply with the #UN's demands. 12. #WorldLeaders call on #Bosnia to immediately stop all military action in #NorthernItaly & enter into negotiations for an immediate ceasefire. 13. #WorldGovernments promise swift punishment if #Bosnia fails to comply with the #UN's demands. 14. #WorldLeaders hold emergency meetings to discuss ways to bring an end to #Bosnia's invasion & occupation of #NorthernItaly. 15. #WorldGovernments unanimously call for an international peacekeeping force to be deployed in #NorthernItaly in order to maintain a ceasefire. 16. #EU sends troops to #NorthernItaly in order to protect civilians from the occupation forces of #Bosnia. 17. #WorldGovernments pledge to use all means necessary to make sure that
Jan. 13, 2023, 1:46 a.m.
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