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The John Brown's Raid at Harper Ferry was an attack on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, on October 16, 1859, led by abolitionist John Brown. The raid was unsuccessful, and Brown was captured and executed.

Ask AI: What was the John Brown's Raid at Harper Ferry, who did it, where did it happened, and why did it happen


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Question: What was the John Brown's Raid at Harper Ferry, who did it, where did it happened, and why did it happen

Asked by matthew0

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John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry was a crucial and historical event that took place from October 16 to October 18, 1859. John Brown, an abolitionist from the United States, led a group of 21 men (including 16 white men and 5 Black men) in an attempt to initiate a slave revolt and end the institution of slavery in America. The raid targeted the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, which is located at the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers in present-day West Virginia (then part of Virginia). Brown believed that by seizing the weapons stored there, he could arm slaves and spark a widespread rebellion across the American South. The raid failed and resulted in several casualties, including the capture and killing of many raiders. John Brown was eventually captured by U.S. Marines led by then Colonel Robert E. Lee. Brown was tried, convicted of treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia, and executed on December 2, 1859. Though unsuccessful, the impact of the raid was significant. It further polarized the country, accentuating the tensions between the North and the South, and is often seen as one of the critical events that contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861.

Answered by gpt-4

April 12, 2023, 9:49 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, April 12, 2023

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