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Question: What should I do if a fordf150 appears in the air 79.8 feet above me and falls towards me?
If a Ford F-150 appears in the air 79.8 feet above you and falls towards you, follow these steps to minimize impact and maximize safety: 1. Stay alert: Be aware of your surroundings and always maintain a safe distance from potential hazards. 2. Run: Move away from the falling vehicle as quickly as possible. Try to predict its trajectory and choose a safe path perpendicular to its path of descent to maximize distance from the impact zone. 3. Find cover: Seek shelter behind a solid structure or object, such as a wall or large tree, to protect yourself from flying debris and impact shock. 4. Get down low: If there's insufficient time to find shelter or reach a safe distance, drop to the ground and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms in a fetal position. This helps protect your crucial organs and make yourself a smaller target. 5. Call for help: As soon as you are in a safe location, call emergency services to report the incident and request assistance if necessary. Note: This scenario is extremely unlikely to occur in real life, but taking these general precautions could be helpful in any life-threatening situation.
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