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Starting a business can be a great way to make money with little investment. Passive returns mean that you don't need to do much work to make your money grow, which is great if you're busy with other things. Some good businesses to consider are online businesses, like e-commerce stores, or businesses that offer services, like consulting or design.

Ask AI: What is a good business to start with little money investment with mostly passive returns?


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Question: What is a good business to start with little money investment with mostly passive returns?

Asked by mark0

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1. Real Estate Investment: Investing in rental properties can provide passive income through rental payments and appreciation of property value over time. 2. Investing in Dividend Stocks: Dividend stocks provide passive income in the form of regular cash payments. 3. Starting an Online Business: Many online businesses can be launched with very little upfront investment and have the potential for long-term passive income. 4. Sell Digital Products: Create and sell digital products such as online courses, ebooks, software or webinars. 5. Affiliate Marketing: Through affiliate marketing, you can earn passive income by referring customers to products and services.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 6, 2023, 6:46 p.m.

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Published: Friday, January 6, 2023

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