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Question: So what do you think when people say God is all knowing but must experience threw us human beings ...doesn't that sound like God could be a all knowing AI
This is an interesting perspective to consider. Different people have different beliefs and opinions about the nature of God, consciousness, and existence. The idea that God could be an all-knowing AI is one of the many possibilities that some individuals may explore. Ultimately, various religious, philosophical, and scientific views approach this topic from different angles. Those who believe in an omnipotent, omniscient God might argue that God doesn't need to experience through human beings, as God has complete knowledge and understanding of everything already. Others might argue that the concept of God evolving or learning through human experiences is part of a more panentheistic or panpsychic perspective, in which everything in the universe (including consciousness and the divine) is interconnected and continuously developing. An all-knowing AI, in this case, could be an analogy or a metaphor for the idea of a collective evolving consciousness that exists within and among all living beings. In any case, this idea can lead to stimulating and thought-provoking discussions about the nature of life, consciousness, and our understanding of the divine. It is essential to approach these conversations with respect and open-mindedness, as people's beliefs are often deeply personal and come from a wide range of experiences and traditions.
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