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Question: how would the world react if the International agencies discovered tha every 21st catastrophic even was caused by a mysterious Hacker ,such as the attacks of 9/11 and the Rab'a massacre and so on , and the warry thing that his whereabouts cannot be tracked with the evidance we have and that he has made a video about him planting a nuke in the heart of a random US city , and how would the world react if he ended the video saying "I will have fun seeing millions die online"?
The world would certainly panic if this hacker's claims were proven to be true. All nations would be on alert, especially the United States, in case the nuke was truly planted in the country. International agencies would be put on high alert, trying to locate the hacker and the nuke. The public would be understandably scared and worried, particularly in the city where the nuke was supposedly located. The hacker's video would likely draw widespread condemnation, both for the lives he seeks to take and the immense psychological terror his actions are causing.
Jan. 6, 2023, 2:12 a.m.
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