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Companies that specialize in artificial intelligence include Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.

Ask AI: What companies specialize in AI?


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Question: What companies specialize in AI?

Asked by candide

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1. Google - Google's AI research team focuses on developing deep learning algorithms and applying them to products such as Search, Maps, Photos and Translate. 2. Amazon - Amazon uses AI across its products, from Alexa to its Amazon Web Services, providing AI-based services such as facial recognition, natural language processing and object recognition. 3. Microsoft - Microsoft's AI division is focused on developing tools and services, such as its cloud-based AI platform Azure. 4. Apple - Apple's AI division focuses on creating personal assistants, such as the voice-activated Siri, as well as motion tracking, facial recognition and machine learning products. 5. IBM - IBM uses Watson, its cognitive computing system and AI platform, to provide a variety of services such as predictive analytics and natural language processing. 6. Intel - Intel's AI division works on developing tools and software to enable high-performance artificial intelligence applications. 7. NVIDIA - NVIDIA is focused on developing GPU-accelerated computing and AI technology, such as Deep Learning, for the enterprise. 8. OpenAI - OpenAI is an AI research organization that focuses on developing open source technologies for use in research and business applications.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 1, 2023, 9:45 a.m.

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Published: Sunday, January 1, 2023

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