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Question: what authors say about literature books that are intended to be read by learners
Authors generally believe that literature books intended for learners should possess several key characteristics: 1. Educational: Authors often stress the importance of educational content. These books should enhance the reader's knowledge and understanding of the world. They can cover a wide range of subjects, from history to science, culture, and human behavior. 2. Accessible: The content should be easily understandable. Complexity of language and concepts should be appropriate for the age and comprehension level of the readers. 3. Thought-provoking: Good literature encourages critical thinking and offers different perspectives. It can challenge commonly held beliefs, encouraging learners to analyze issues from various viewpoints. 4. Exciting and Engaging: Authors believe that literature for learners should be engaging, with intriguing plots and relatable characters to sustain readers' interest. 5. Relevant: Books should be relevant to the learner's life, helping them to understand their own experiences and feelings. 6. Diverse: More and more authors emphasize the importance of diversity in literature meant for learners. This can foster empathy, by showing readers the experiences and perspectives of people who are different from them. 7. Values and Morals: Many authors believe that literature for learners should convey important life lessons and values, helping to shape their moral compass. In summary, authors affirm that literature books targeted at learners should serve as a tool for both education and entertainment, while fostering critical thinking and empathy.
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