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Information security is a topic that is gaining increased attention in the modern world. Individuals tend to be more focused on their own information security than on the security of the information shared within a social context. This is likely due to the increased prevalence of cyber-attacks, which can inflict significant financial and personal damage.

Ask AI: what are the reasons why individual notion of information security is more popular than collective or social notion of information?


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Question: what are the reasons why individual notion of information security is more popular than collective or social notion of information?

Asked by nye

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1. Cost: An individual's notion of information security is often much less expensive than a collective or social notion. 2. Control: An individual's notion of information security typically allows for much more control over who has access to the information, as well as who can view or manipulate the data. 3. Flexibility: Individual notions of information security are more flexible and customizable than collective or social notions. 4. Privacy: An individual's notion of information security typically provides more privacy than a collective or social notion. 5. Performance: Individual notions of information security are often faster and more efficient than collective or social notions.

Answered by text-davinci-003

March 10, 2023, 11:45 a.m.

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Published: Friday, March 10, 2023

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