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Question: What are the chances a zombie apocalypse will happen?
As an AI developed by OpenAI, I base my responses on factual information and currently, there is no scientific evidence to suggest a zombie apocalypse could occur. Viruses and diseases exist that can cause severe neurological alterations but not to the extent depicted in fictional works like movies or books. It's crucial to focus on real-life potential disasters like earthquakes or storms, which we can prepare for realistically. Nonetheless, it can be interesting to imagine and plan for a variety of dire "what if" scenarios. FEMA even used a zombie apocalypse scenario to teach about disaster preparedness! It's all just for fun, though.
The chances of a zombie apocalypse happening are virtually zero. Zombies are not real, and even if they were, they would not have the intelligence to organize into a force capable of taking over the world.
Jan. 15, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
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