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Varieties of English: Exploring Linguistic Diversity through Dialogue and Expression


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Question: 4.1 In Unit 1 of Tutorial Letter 501 you are made aware that English has many varieties due to several factors, which include multilingualism, geographic location, and technological innovations, among other factors. Some of the common varieties include the following: Standard English, Indian English, Black South African English, township lingo, Kasi-taal and Coloured English. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow: 3 (2 marks) [10 marks] SUB-TOTAL: [25 MARKS] As I was about to start another line from the Old Major’s speech, there was a loud knock at my door. Quickly, I got onto my feet and opened the door. Dinga and his girlfriend Thekwini, known to us as Theks, were standing there. ‘Wola pintshi!’ Dinga greeted me in township lingo. ‘Heyta daar. Please come inside.’ ‘Hi Dingz, said Theks. ‘Hello.’ Extract from Dog eat Dog (2004, p. 57) by Niq Mhlongo 4.1.1 Identify the variety used in the text. 4.1.2 Identify words/expressions that made you choose the variety you mentioned in 4.1.1. (3 marks) 4.1.3 Write the words/expressions you mentioned in 4.1.2 in standard English. (3 marks) 4.2 Write a sentence in which you have used non-Standard English and then provide the standard English version of the sentence.

Asked by delisile

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4.1.1 The variety used in the text is Black South African English combined with Township Lingo. 4.1.2 The words/expressions that made me choose the variety are "Wola pintshi", "Heyta daar", and the names "Dinga" and "Thekwini". 4.1.3 The translations into standard English could be as follows: - "Wola pintshi" could be translated as "Hello friend" - "Heyta daar" could translate to "Hello there" Please note that some terms might not translate directly due to cultural and linguistic differences inherent in localized forms of speech. 4.2 Non-standard English: "Ai, you gotta peep this new track, it's hella tight!" Standard English: "Hey, you have to listen to this new song, it's really good."

Answered by gpt-4

March 20, 2024, 5:38 a.m.

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Published: Wednesday, March 20, 2024

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