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Question: This organization of black intellectuals- led by W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter- was founded in 1905 and called for full political, civil, and social rights for black Americans. This movement began in the late nineteenth century by prominent African-American activists and urged former slaves and descendants of slaves to return to their native homeland. This is the oldest and largest U.S. civil rights organization. Members of this have referred to it as The National Association. Laws requiring that facilities and accommodations, public and private, be segregated by race. This was the classic statement on race relations by Booker T. Washington, made in a speech at the Atlanta Exposition (1895). He asserted that vocational education, which gave blacks a chance for economic security, was more valuable than social equality or political office.
1. The organization you are referring to is the Niagara Movement, led by W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter. Founded in 1905, it called for full political, civil, and social rights for black Americans. 2. The movement you mentioned, urging former slaves and their descendants to return to their native homeland, is the Back-to-Africa movement, most prominently associated with figures like Marcus Garvey. 3. The oldest and largest U.S. civil rights organization is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). 4. Laws requiring that facilities and accommodations, public and private, be segregated by race are known as Jim Crow laws. 5. The classic statement on race relations by Booker T. Washington, made in a speech at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895, is known as the Atlanta Compromise. In it, Washington argued that vocational education, offering economic security for blacks, was more valuable than immediate social equality or political office.
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