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Question: Write a POV transformation story of the human reader instantly turning into Moxxie (from the Helluva Boss series), complete with gender change (if the reader is a female), clothes change, age change, height regression (shrinking from an average 5.7-6 foot height to only 3.9 feet tall), reality change (the reader's real world becoming the world of Helluva Boss), and mind/mental change (with the reader's personalities and memories being completely replaced with Moxxie's personality and memories, despite the reader's best efforts of fighting his/her new personality and memories, making the reader completely forget he was a normal person and only remembered ever being a male imp and a husband to Millie, being named Moxxie). For Moxxie's appearance (after the reader turned into him), he is an imp with red skin and white freckles on his cheeks, and he is shorter than Blitzo since he is 3.9 feet tall. Like all imps, he has a short reptilian-looking snout filled with white sharp teeth and without a nose, as well as having four fingered hands (instead of five as in humans), and he lacks any visible ears. His white pointy hair leads up to his curvy black and white striped horns. He also has yellow sclera with black slit pupils. Moxxie has a long red thin devil-like imp tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, as well as lanky digitigrade legs ending in what appears to be cloven red hoofed feet, reminiscent of artiodactyls. Moxxie's usual outfit consists of a navy-black coat with red buttons and white cuffs, black toe-less pants a white shirt that has a black turtleneck, a large red bow-tie, and fingerless gloves. Moxxie is the I.M.P's weapon specialist; and as such, has a vast knowledge of weapons and often brings a variety of them along during jobs. For Moxxie's personality, he is often the most vocal and realistic of the employees (his boss is Blitzo) regarding the company as a whole despite its dysfunctional environment and is bullied consequently. He is also shown to be insured about himself since he’s not physically strong since Striker, Lin and Joe was giving him a hard time since they believe physical strength is what makes a person strong. Moreover, he is an imp who is easily annoyed and rather clumsy, as he trips over their ritualistic book on the way through the portal to the living world. Despite being a murder-for-hire imp, it seems Moxxie is queasy with unnecessary killing beyond their targets. He also is uncomfortable with the idea of killing targets who have families, and attempts to give people second chances. Moxxie is also shown to have a comical side, as when he talks about killing an entire family, he claims it might be alright if it was just a bad dad or a mob family, saying "That's understandable" in an accent. For Moxxie's preferences (likes and dislikes); he likes cooking, culinary arts, musical theater, classical music, opera, his mother's kindness, being put in charge of missions, and Blitzo's approval as his boss. However, Moxxie dislikes Blitzo prying into his personal life, theme parks, theme park mascots, killing the innocent, pop music, Stolas' wrath, his father's (Crimson) abuse, Loona calling him fat, being the butt of the joke, and Millie stealing his spotlight. There should also be quotes from the characters in this story (including quotes from the reader) so we know what they're saying and what they're thinking. Also, it is a POV reader story, so it should not be in an author's point of view (my, I, mine, etc), and it should be from the point of view of the reader (you, your, etc).
Suddenly, you felt lighter, as though you were lifted by some unexplainable force. The sights, the sounds and even the air seemed different. There was a bizarre feeling of detachment, a jarring sensation of separation from your own self. Your body tingled and shivered at something that was definitely not natural. The buildings around you changed, with gothic facades stretching up into an eerily crimson sky. Something was happening to you. You found yourself shrinking down and down, going from an average human height to a staggering 3.9 feet. Your clothes shifted, an uncomfortable feeling as if dozens of tailor's hands were altering them all at once. They morphed into a navy-black coat with red buttons and white cuffs, black toe-less pants, a white shirt with a black turtleneck and a large red bowtie, and fingerless gloves. In a further twist of your bodily transformation, you could feel your feet constricting, morphing into cloven hoofed variants and your hands reducing to just four fingers. As the bizarre surge overcame you, you wanted to scream, to call for help. But only a hoarse, very un-human-like sound came out. Touching your face, the flat, human surface was replaced with a short reptilian-like snout filled with sharp teeth. You felt the sharp edges of your new horns and smooth skin replaced by textures of scales. And to your shock, you realized your skin was no longer a typical human tone, but a vivid red that seemed to reflect the crimson sky. Your mind spun out of control, new memories forcefully pushed into your consciousness. Memories of being a weapons specialist, of working for someone named Blitzo in a place called the I.M.P. Inexplicably, memories surfaced of a beautiful female imp named Millie. Millie... your wife. Despite the struggle to hold onto your old self, the new personality was overpowering. You were Moxxie now. Despite your initial resistance, this changed reality started to seem vaguely familiar, uncannily comfortable. You felt intelligent, easily annoyed, and clumsy. You knew of an extensive knowledge of weapons and a softness for cooking, musical theatre, and classical music. The strange world of Helluva Boss didn't seem so strange anymore. It was your world now. Gazing around with yellow sclera and black slit pupils, you allowed yourself to assimilate with your new reality. Somehow, the once frightening change felt normal. "I guess this is my life now," you murmured aloud, hearing your voice distinctively different. The change had been bewildering, but it was complete. You looked down at your new self, the four-fingered hands, the cloven hooves, the thin devil-like tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end. You were no longer human. You were Moxxie, a red-skinned imp from Helluva Boss. As you let your new reality wash over you, a pang of longing hit you. But, immediately the faint vestiges of your former self faded away. And in the end, despite everything, you actually found yourself saying, "Well, it's definitely not boring. Ain't that right, Millie?" With a deep breath, you stepped into your new life, ready to face whatever this world had in store for Moxxie.
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