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Question: Write a POV transformation story of the average male human reader turning into a fantasy elf complete with a medieval elven tunic, a leather belt strapped around his waist to keep his tunic in place, a long flowing cape that reaches his new footwear, medieval-styled pants neatly tucked underneath a pair of archer's long leather boots (also built for distant travels), a pair of archer's leather gloves, medieval archery equipment (quiver, bow, and arrows) strapped either around him or to his leather belt (his entire outfit is like all other elven warriors in the fantasy world he lives in, and like all elves, his outfit is in both an earthly and forest color), long and pointy elven ears, thin and lean yet athletic and graceful body (with elegant posture and movement), handsome and ethereal-looking face, no facial hair on the lower half of his face (he keeps his eyelashes and eyebrows however, which are blonde like his head head now), pale skin, beautiful blue irises in his eyes, and long blonde hair (not a Christmas elf, fantasy elf) complete with age change, supernatural powers gain (including but not limited to sharpened senses, being immortal, and forever youthful), voice change (to fit with his new elven bloodline), language shift (changing from English to an elven language, yet the reader now completely understood this new language whilst no longer remembering English), reality change (the reader's real world on Earth warping and becoming the fantasy medieval world filled with mythical creatures such as elves, goblins (the elves' arch nemesis), dragons, and many more, the reader is now in a fantasy-esque wooded meadow and/or forest with a nearby elven village, where the elven reader lives), and mind/mental change (with the reader's personality and memories replaced with an elf's personality and memories, despite his best efforts on fighting off the new memories and personality, making him completely forget about being a mortal human, having no memory of science, modern life, theory of evolution, etc, and only remember being an elf, realizing that he has always lived in a fantastical world created by gods, knowing every elven powers and weaponry (including archery), having lived in an immortal elven life in his home village with his elf wife, and among others). The transformation is permanent (meaning it is forever) and is completely irreversible. The story is that the reader was visiting a museum containing very old books and other historical artifacts, where the reader finds a book that is all about medieval fantasy creatures, he then opens the book, causing the blinding light to engulf him and thus caused the whole transformation to occur. During the mental changes (where the reader's mind becomes cloudy/fuzzy/dizzy), the reader is truly terrified/horrified about completely losing/forgetting his own memories, personality, and language as a human (with English instantly changing to an elven language during mid-sentence (since elves do not speak English and speaks purely in an elven language), much to the reader's horror, and he tries to speak English multiple times, but to no avail and all he said are elven words), so he tries to fight against the new memories and personality (even screaming for help from his family/friends, crying out in tears, as well as attempting to shake his head as an attempt to get rid of the emerging and invading elven memories/personality), but his mental fight is in vain (the elven personality and memories are too powerful), making him completely forget his mortal and mundane human life and he only remembers being a medieval-era elf (complete with a new name fitting for an elf, rather than an old human name he had now completely forgotten), having remembered his archery training, war with goblins, marriage to an elven woman, and himself being a heroic elf. The gods, who transported the reader into a medieval fantasy realm, are transforming the reader in both body and mind, thanks to the gods' blessing, and the gods had blessed the reader by permanently removing all of the reader's humanity (including his former human personality and memories) and blessed him by turning him into an immortal elf (due to the reader's newly elven body and mind, and they also intentionally and magically blessed the reader by completely removing/erasing all of the reader's human memories and personality (maybe the gods' voices could be heard by the reader and telling him to completely forget his human self and life while also to remember his elven self and life, proving their intent in creating a hero for their fantasy world), thus making him completely and permanently forget about ever being a mortal human). To aid in the now-elven reader's transforming mind, a beautiful, youthful, ethereal-looking adult female elf from a nearby elven village (who, along with the gods who created this fantasy world, is the one who caused the book to transport the reader into a medieval world and transformed the reader into an elf himself, since the female elf really wanted a husband of her own) comes up to the reader (she's happy to see the human reader turning into her brave husband and warrior elf) and comforts him with a gentle hug, gently wiping away the reader's tears, softly holding the transforming reader's hands, an affectionate true love's kiss, quietly singing an elven lullaby to the reader, and telling him that his human life was not real and is just a dream (she also confirms the reader that he was returning/traveling back home to the elven village from one of his many quests/battles and that's why he's daydreaming about his false/imagined human life), and she tells him to remember his true elven body and life (saying those, all in elven language rather than in English), making the reader realize that the elf woman comforting him is his caring, understanding, and loving wife (whom the elf reader truly loves, cares, and understands, having always known her), she is telling this new truth to the transforming reader (which the reader truly/completely believes), and the reader is genuinely happy to know that his previous human life was actually only a dream (he is completely unaware of ever being a mortal/human before or during the transformation), and he is happy that his life as a brave, smart, adventurous, and faithful elf warrior (he enjoys being with his elf wife, whom he truly loves (and vice versa) and has married centuries ago (he is truly happy about being with his elven wife and is affectionate towards her, he even promises to always be there for her), as well as having his loyal companions/comrades who follow him (he is also loyal to his companions and they always help him in quests and battles, having succeeded in all battles and quests against villains), and he himself being guided and supported by the gods (who have intentionally chosen and transformed the human reader into a heroic elf warrior so this fantasy world would have a hero) who created this fantasy world) is his true and only life. Plus, the elf reader is completely and permanently unaware that his former mortal human life and his transformation into an elf had ever happened (he is amused, possibly laughing, at the idea of ever being a human), and his journey as an elven warrior, unbeknownst to him, had just begun, even though he believes that he had always been a heroic elf and had already started journeys countless of times before. There should also be quotes from the characters in this story so we know what they're saying and what they're thinking. Not only that, but there should be quotes in elven language (as well as the translations for those who don't know what those elven words mean), even the reader's language shift during his panic, as well as the lyrics to the lullaby that the elf woman is quietly singing to the transforming reader, so we would know what lullaby the reader is hearing/listening to. Also, it is a POV reader story, so it should not be in an author's point of view (my, I, mine, etc), and it should be from the point of view of the reader (you, your, etc).
As you walk into the musty silence of the old museum you feel an irresistible draw towards a section of faded, leather-bound books, gather dust and cobwebs. At the bottom of this uneven stack, an extraordinarily weathered tome with a title that could be just barely made out as 'Medieval Fantasy Creatures' caught your eye. With a sense of strange curiosity, you reached out and dislodged the volume. Opening it, the world around you was suddenly consumed by an intense, blinding light that dazzled your senses till you could no longer see the pages, or anything else for that matter. A rush of energy passes through you, sears your mind, and abruptly, the world settles back into focus—but it is not the same world you knew. You stand now in a woodland clearing. Gone is the museum, replaced by a primordial forest teeming with life. Surreal yet familiar balls of twinkling lights float around you and you noticed your reflection in the nearby stream. It takes a moment before you recognize the face as your own. You’re taller, leaner, and exude an ethereal quality. Your hair is long and blonde, framing a much more chiseled, handsome face, devoid of facial hair. Your light skin appears almost translucent under the vibrant green foliage of the towering trees and your ears are long and pointed. One glance at your attire—a tunic in earthy and forest tones, pants tucked under tall archer’s boots, a long flowing cape—confirms what you have become. You are now an elf. "What just happened?!" you fumble to find your voice, clear and melodic that now dances through the trees. '"Bal'ati…istima'," you hear yourself saying, startling you further. It wasn’t English; yet you understood it. Suddenly a thousand elven words and phrases flooded your mind. You tried to hold onto English but it simply slipped away, replaced by the enchanting elven language. A tidal wave of memories washed over you, contradicting your own human experiences and forcing them out. You resist, the echo of your old life bouncing around your head, desperate to be heard. "Please don't go..." you shriek in vain, tears streaming down your youthful elven face. "I don't want to forget! I don't ..." But your pleas turn to incomprehensible words. The elven language takes over, erasing your human existence. Suddenly, as if in response to your distress, an elf, beautiful and ethereal, with luminous eyes sparkling brighter than the stars, steps out from behind a tree. She approaches you, composure in her every step, and says, "Na lû lún nîn, bas elin ned i nguruthos," and you find you understand her. The elven words warm your ears— "Do not fear, dear one. You are home now." She wipes away your tears and you realize this is a face you've always known, always loved. In a melancholic voice, that almost made you forget your human past, she sings a soft lullaby. "Les bain, le cam. Elen sila lúmenna. Sinn omen nîn. Dolien ned i galad.” Let go, let it be. A star shines upon the hour of our meeting. My heart is yours. We dwell in the light. As the lullaby ends, a sense of peace enveloped you, pushing back the remnants of your old life. The change is irreversible; you are no longer human. As an Elf, you know now you have a duty to protect your homeworld from the enemy goblins. You are bewitched by the her beauty, transfixed as she helps you adjust your new quiver, filled with arrows that glint wickedly under the fey light Laughter bubbles up from your chest, the idea of your human existence now appearing absurd in your mind. You turn to your beloved wife, catching her teary-eyed smile, and together you walk back towards the village, ready to embrace your heroic destiny. The gods’ prophecy had been fulfilled. The journey of the Elven Warrior had begun. And you are that warrior. Their warrior. Their hope. Her love.
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