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Question: The US Government just tweeted "We will kill millions of innocent just to reach our goals". speculate the reactions of the people through 23 tweets.
1. Everyone needs to take action! We can't sit by and let them kill millions of innocent people! #stoppoliticalviolence 2. How can they even consider such a heinous act? #disgusted 3. Let's take a stand and fight back! #NoInnocentLivesLost 4. This has to be a joke. No government in their right mind would even consider this. #unbelievable 5. This is an affront to basic human decency. #StandForHumanity 6. If this is true, then we have a long fight ahead of us. #SpeakOut 7. We can't allow this to happen! #SayNoToInnocentKilling 8. Is this a warning sign? Are we going down a dangerous path? #thinktwice 9. This must be a mistake. No human being could make such an outrageous statement. #shocked 10. U.S. Government, what are you thinking? #SpeakTheTruth 11. How can this be real? Our government would never condone murder. #whereisthejustice 12. This is an atrocity that must be stopped. #StopGovtKilling 13. This has to be a lie. No one could advocate killing millions. #unacceptable 14. Outrageous! This must be a false statement. #nokillinginnocents 15. How can our government be so callous? #AccountabilityNow 16. We must take action to protect the innocent. #NoMoreInnocentLivesLost 17. This cannot be tolerated in any way. #NoMoreInnocentKilling 18. We must defend the vulnerable. No one should have to suffer this kind of violence! #ProtectTheInnocent 19. We won't allow this to go unchecked! #SayNoToInnocentViolence 20. We demand a response from the government. #TransparencyNow 21. Our government must be held accountable for these statements. #NoMoreViolence 22. We must stand together and fight for justice. #JusticeForAll 23. Killing millions of innocent people is unacceptable and must be stopped. #NoMoreKilling
Jan. 9, 2023, 7:45 a.m.
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