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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English people through 20 tweets of the following scenario: The American geography scientists tweeted saying "the only reason the UK survived any invasion was becauseit being an Island".
1. "On no! The Yanks think the only reason we survived any invasion was because we're an island?! Someone explain the Battle of Britain to them!" #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 2. "Did the American geography scientists forget that, even though we are an island, our map is riddled with battlefields and monuments?!" #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 3. "Being an island means nothing without the courage and bravery of the British people! Shame on the American geography scientists." #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 4. "Thanks US! So we’ve basically been reduced to a geographical entity? Just because we are an island doesn’t mean we are defenceless!" #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 5. "A reminder to the American geography scientists that we Brits are no strangers to throwing back invaders #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists" 6. "Sorry American geography scientists, but Britain’s resilience is far more complex than just being an Island!" #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 7. "Being an island is just one factor. Would the American geography scientists have us forget our incredible military?" #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 8. "If the American geography scientists had ever actually read a history book, they’d know that it takes more than being an island to survive an invasion!" #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists 9. "Well done, American geography scientists. You could’ve mentioned our allies, or the courage of our people, but no - the island did it all! #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists" 10. "If being an island was the only factor, then why wasn’t the US invaded in World War 2? #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists" 11. "The American geography scientists don’t seem to understand that Britain has a long and rich history of defeating invaders! #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeographyScientists" 12. "Did the American geography scientists forget about our famous victory in the Battle of Britain?! #UKSurvived #Invasion #AmericanGeography
Jan. 8, 2023, 10:05 a.m.
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