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The two reforms that were part of the Progressive Era are:

B. Institution of recalls in many state elections  
C. Institution of initiatives in many state elections

The two reforms that were part of the Progressive Era are: B. institution of recalls in many state elections C. institution of initiatives in many state elections


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Question: Choose two reforms that were part of the Progressive Era. Responses A ending of Jim Crow laws throughout the Southending of Jim Crow laws throughout the South B institution of recalls in many state electionsinstitution of recalls in many state elections C institution of initiatives in many state electionsinstitution of initiatives in many state elections D extending the abolition of slavery to all states in the Unionextending the abolition of slavery to all states in the Union E the ending of the prohibition of alcohol in the United States

Asked by adam6

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The Progressive Era was characterized by a range of political, social, and economic reforms in the United States, typically from the 1890s to the 1920s. Two key reforms from this period include: B. Institution of recalls in many state elections C. Institution of initiatives in many state elections These reforms aimed to make the political process more democratic and to give citizens more direct control over government actions and policies.

Answered by gpt-4o

Jan. 22, 2025, 5:40 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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