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Question: I work at the spaceship on the inside and I start to feel full and my stomach begins to move and I see slime monster and I think it looks like aliens then one got on my face and start to make me drink something
that wasn't water. I struggle to get away but it kept trying to make me drink and I started to feel dizzy and faint. Suddenly I hear some people yelling and they come running and help me to get the slimy creature off me and it scurries away. I feel a lot better and I can tell they are here to help me. They take me to their spaceship and they explain that they help people who have run into alien creatures like the one that was on me. I thank them for their help and they explain that I will be safe from any other creatures now and they take me back to my ship. Now whenever I feel scared or unsure, I know that I can call on them for help and they will always be there for me.
Jan. 29, 2023, 1:07 p.m.
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