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Eastren Roman citizens would have been outraged by the imposition of Islamic law, which would have caused a great deal of religious conflict. They may have also been disappointed with the lack of progress made by the Byzantine Empire in overcoming its own internal strife.

The Roman Empire Collapses in 635 CE


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Question: speculate the reaction of Eastren Roman citizens through 20 tweets of the following scenario: the year 635 CE happened. Note to AI: if the twitter app was created at that era, and make the reactions historicaly accurate.

Asked by abdulrhman8

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1. Eastren Roman citizens can't believe it's already been 15 years since #Heraclius saved our empire from the Sassanids! #Year635CE #ByzantineEmpire 2. #Year635CE saw the emperor #Heraclius continue his work to create a unity among the Eastren Romans. #ByzantineEmpire 3. Pax Heracliana in full effect in #Year635CE! #ByzantineEmpire 4. #Year635CE brought a time of peace, prosperity and stability for the Eastren Roman Empire! #ByzantineEmpire 5. #Year635CE saw Constantinople become a formidable force in the Mediterranean. #ByzantineEmpire 6. With the #ByzantineEmpire strength restored in #Year635CE, Eastren Roman citizens looked forward to a bright future! 7. In #Year635CE, the reign of #Heraclius finally brought unity and political stability to the Eastren Roman Empire. 8. Despite the ongoing war with the Arabs in the East, peace and tranquility reigns among the Eastren Roman citizens in #Year635CE. 9. Thanks to #Heraclius, Eastren Roman citizens can finally breathe a sigh of relief in #Year635CE. #ByzantineEmpire 10. #Year635CE marks the start of major cultural growth and flourish of the Eastren Roman Empire. #ByzantineEmpire 11. Emperor #Heraclius' reign of #Year635CE has brought the Eastren Roman Empire to greatness! #ByzantineEmpire 12. #Year635CE has brought unprecedented wealth and power to the Eastren Roman Empire. #ByzantineEmpire 13. The Eastern Roman Empire has seen the most prosperous time in its history in #Year635CE! #ByzantineEmpire 14. With the Byzantine economy booming in #Year635CE, Eastren Roman citizens are feeling more secure about the future. #ByzantineEmpire 15. #Year635CE is a time of great change for the Eastren Roman Empire, and its citizens are optimistic about the future. #ByzantineEmpire 16. Eastren Roman citizens are grateful to #Heraclius

Answered by text-davinci-003

March 8, 2023, 10:41 p.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user abdulrhman8's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

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