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In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," the characterization of Boxer, the hardworking cart-horse, plays a crucial role in illustrating the story's central theme of propaganda and the manipulation of the working class. Boxer embodies the ideal proletariat worker, exhibiting traits such as strength, dedication, and unwavering loyalty to the farm's leadership. His motto, "I will work harder," serves as a poignant reflection of the relentless spirit of the working class, yet it highlights his tragic vuln

The Role of Boxer in George Orwell's "Animal Farm": Critiquing Blind Loyalty and Exploitation


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Question: How does the author's characterization of Boxer in Animal Farm contribute to the theme of the story make it one paragraph and make it sound like human made

Asked by abdul1

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In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," Boxer is characterized as a hardworking, loyal, and strong cart-horse, whose dedication and physical prowess make him an indispensable asset to the farm's success. However, his unwavering trust in the leadership and his mantra "I will work harder" ultimately highlight the exploitation of the working class. Boxer's blind trust in the pigs' authority and his lack of critical thinking lead to his tragic downfall, underscoring the theme of how those in power can manipulate and betray the very individuals who support them. Through Boxer's plight, Orwell illustrates the dangers of a naive working class and the ruthless nature of totalitarian regimes that prioritize their own interests over the well-being of loyal followers.

Answered by gpt-4o

Feb. 7, 2025, 8:40 a.m.

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Published: Friday, February 7, 2025

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