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The leaders of Bosnia stated, "If the European Union want peace then they should agree on our following demands on our following demands : 1_We will keep the lands that we gained during the war.
2_We want the European Union to recognise our Sovereignty over the Serbia and Northern Italy.
3_No sanctions should be put against our glorious Nation."

The leaders of the world governments would most likely react with confusion and fear. They would not be sure what Bosnia was planning to do next, or what demands it would make.


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Question: speculate the reaction of the world governments through 25 tweets through the following scenario: Bosnia began successfully conquering Serbia with the casus beli of Conquering the Infield lands. and then Bosnia successfully Conquered Croatia and Peacefuly annexing Albania. and defeated the combined forces of the European Union of 550000 strong Army. and then Bosnia advanced to the Italian peninsula Conquering almost all of northern Italy and massacring entire populations. and the leaders of Bosnia stated Saying "if the European Union want peace then they should agree on our following demands on our following demands : 1_We will keep the lands that we gained during the war 2_We want the European Union to recognise our Sovereignty over the Serbia and Northern Italy. 3_No sanctions should be put against our glorious Nation.".

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1. This is an outrageous act of aggression from #Bosnia - diplomatic efforts must be made to peacefully resolve this conflict. #EU 2. The #EU condemns #Bosnia’s actions in Serbia, Croatia and Albania and condemns the massacre of innocent civilians. #peace 3. The #EU calls for an immediate ceasefire in the conflict and a return to the negotiating table to achieve a peaceful resolution. #diplomacy 4. The #EU is appalled at the demands made by #Bosnia and will not accept them in any shape or form. #NoDeal 5. The #EU calls on the international community to join in condemning these acts of aggression and call for peaceful resolution. #together 6. The #EU calls on the international community to apply economic sanctions to #Bosnia until it agrees to a peaceful resolution. #Sanctions 7. The #EU calls on #Bosnia to return to the negotiating table and agree to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. #negotiating 7. The #EU calls on #Bosnia to respect the sovereignty of Serbia and all other nations it has invaded. #respect #sovereignty 8. The #EU stands ready to provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict in #Bosnia and its neighbours. #HumanitarianAid 9. The #EU will not accept any outcome of the conflict that does not result in a peaceful resolution for all nations involved. #peacefirst 10. The world must come together to reject #Bosnia’s aggression and demand a diplomatic resolution to this conflict. #endaggression 11. The #EU urges #Bosnia to end its aggression and respect the sovereignty of its neighbours and withdraw from Italy. #withdrawal 12. The world will not accept #Bosnia seizing land without regard for international law and must be held accountable. #accountability 13. The #EU condemns the massacre and displacement of civilians in Serbia, Croatia, Albania and Northern Italy by #Bosnia. #condemnation 14. #Bosnia must accept responsibility for its actions and return to the negotiating table, or face more sanctions. #responsibility 15. The #EU calls on #Bosnia to cease all military activities and to return to the negotiating table to seek a peaceful solution. #ceasefire 16. The #EU will not support any

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 13, 2023, 1:59 a.m.

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Published: Friday, January 13, 2023

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