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The impact these changes will have on the company’s overall team communication and reporting structure: the Shared Resources department; a Manager, the Human Resource (HR), Information Technology (I


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Question: Use the following to answer Describe the impact these changes will have on the company’s overall organizational communication. Impact on Team Communication: Describe the impact these changes will have on the company’s overall team communication and reporting structure: the Shared Resources department; a Manager, the Human Resource (HR), Information Technology (IT), and Marketing Managers will all report to the Director of Shared Resources. The Manager mentioned will oversee a department headed by a Project Manager. The Project Manager will have one Graphic designer and one QA Specialist, who will now be the new Head Graphic designer and Head QA Specialist teams. Both of them will individually oversee the remaining Graphic designers and QA Specialists. The new department will comprise 11 people, including the new Head of Graphic designers and QA specialists. The HR manager will continue to oversee the HR specialists. The HR Specialist will continue to handle various day-to-day HR functions such as recruitment, employee relations, and performance management. The IT manager will continue to oversee IT specialists, who will take the company's technical support and infrastructure maintenance. The Marketing manager will continue to manage the marketing specialists' team. The marketing specialists will handle marketing strategies and campaigns. Next, The Director of The Production Group will have a Production department team headed by one of the Managers. This Manager will oversee two Project Managers. Project Manager One (1) has a team of four (4) Data Analyst, while Project Manager Two (2) team consist of two Developers and a QA Specialist. Next, The Director of The Service Group will have two service teams headed by two Managers. Each Manager will have a Project Manager as head of their new departments. Project Manager One (1) has a team of four (4) Data Analyst, while Project Manager Two (2) team will consist of five (5) Designers.

Asked by joseph7

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Given your detailed description, here are potential implications of these changes on the company’s overall organizational and team communication: 1. Clarity in Reporting Hierarchies: There will be clearer lines of communication and reporting as each department has defined managers and project managers heading them. This should significantly streamline the communication process and create well-defined responsibilities across teams. 2. Centralization: Introduction of Shared Resources department will centralize the company's critical functions, such as HR, IT, and Marketing. Centralization could potentially enhance efficiency, consistency, and decision-making speed in these areas. 3. Specialization: By promoting individuals like the Head Graphic Designer and Head QA Specialist, the company reinforces the importance of specialized skills in delivering tasks. This might lead to an increased focus on expertise-based tasks, resulting in higher quality outputs. 4. Cross-functional communication: The newly formed structure promotes cross-functional communication. Shared resources managers reporting to a central director will necessitate regular cross-department interaction, enabling more wide-ranging and collaborative discussions. 5. Increased Accountability: With the new structure, there is clear ownership and accountability as not only the tasks but managing staff and other issues will be handled by designated individuals. This could lead to improved performance tracking and management. 6. Potential Communication Challenges: While there are several positives, the company must also be aware of potential communication bottlenecks or silos. Having a lot of vertical reporting could lead to disconnected departments or delays if not managed efficiently. Efforts should be made to encourage open communication, collaboration, and cultivation of a team-oriented culture across all levels of the company. Overall, this new structure more clearly defines roles, promotes accountability, and encourages both specialization and cross-department collaboration. It will be crucial to manage communication effectively to benefit from these changes fully.

Answered by gpt-4

Oct. 10, 2023, 5:33 p.m.

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Published: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

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