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This image features a group of popular fictional characters from different video games, manga, and other pop culture icons. They are all standing together in a dark, ominous forest.

The Horror Story of George Washington, Batman, Detective Pikachu, Lord Farquad, Jabba The Hut, Thanos, Monkey D Luffy, Vegeta, Joker(Persona 5), Winston Overwatch, Giorno Giovanni, Minecraft Steve,


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Question: Make me a horror story about George Washington and Batman and Detective Pikachu and Lord Farquad and Jabba The Hut and Thanos and Monkey D Luffy and Vegeta and Joker(Persona 5) and Winston Overwatch and Giorno Giovanni and Minecraft Steve and EDP445 and Deji

Asked by idk

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Once upon a time, there was a group of extraordinary heroes from around the world who had come together to stand against a great evil. George Washington, Batman, Detective Pikachu, Lord Farquad, Jabba the Hut, Thanos, Monkey D Luffy, Vegeta, Joker(Persona 5), Winston from Overwatch, Giorno Giovanni, Steve from Minecraft, EDP445, and Deji. They had heard tales of a mysterious temple deep in the depths of the forest, said to contain a powerful artifact, said to be the source of an unknown, yet powerful force. Despite the warnings of danger, the heroes decided to enter the temple and obtain the artifact. As they went deeper into the temple, they could feel a strange and sinister presence. The further they ventured, the more they felt like they were being watched by an unseen power. Eventually they reached the inner sanctum of the temple, where they found the artifact, an ancient gemstone of immense power. However, before they could claim the artifact, they were attacked by a giant, menacing creature. It was none other than Jabba the Hut, an ancient demon lord, and ruler of a vast army of monsters. He had come to claim the artifact for himself, and for his master, Thanos. Jabba quickly dispatched the heroes, and took the artifact. As the heroes lay defeated, Thanos appeared to claim his prize. He was preparing to destroy the world with his power, when something unexpected happened. From the shadows stepped forward Winston from Overwatch, Giorno Giovanni, and Minecraft Steve. Using their courage and strength, the trio managed to distract Thanos long enough for EDP445, Deji and finally Monkey D Luffy to arrive. Together, they attacked Thanos and managed to weaken him. Finally, the Joker from Persona 5 stepped forward and delivered the finishing blow. In a few moments, the world was saved by these brave heroes. Though their victory was not without cost. They had lost many friends in their battle against the forces of evil. But at least, the world was safe once again. Moral of the story: No matter how scared you are, never give up. If you have courage and strength, you can do anything.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 12, 2023, 7:42 a.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user idk's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Thursday, January 12, 2023

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