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 and then the UK government apologized and paid millions of pounds in compensation to the families of the victims.

This is an image of tweets depicting public reactions in the United Kingdom to an air force striking London, with over 48,000 people dying, followed by Syria declaring "that was us" and the UK being pressured by it's citizens to declare war on Syria. The Syrian president tweets saying "see we told they are weak". After a 8 year long war, England is conquered by Syria.

The English public reacted to these events through 18 tweets. Here are some examples: 1) " Holy cow what is happening in London " 2) " Airforce strikes? England shaking" 3) " England in panic aft


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Question: Simulate The reaction of the English public to these events in order through 18 tweets in twitter if :an airforce striked London ,it was intense to ,over 48000 people died, then Syria arrogantly said "that was us , and the UK is weak".and then the UK is pressured by it's Citizens to declare war on Syria. and the Syrian president tweeted saying "see we told they are weak". and then the UK declared war. and after a 8 years long war, England has been conquered by Syria. and after that the Syrian army massacred almost half the population of London killing more than 7 million and injuring more than 4 million. and then the Syrian forces without any mercy massacred 540000 and injured no less than 780000 in the city of Manchester. then the English people began fleeing their homeland, and some were brutally shot dead by the Syrian security forces. then the Syrian president said in a speech "we are just putting our security intact". then the UN said "Syria has the right to kill".and then videos leaked,containing Syrian security forces mocking and killing English Citizens. then the Syrian forces killed more than 450000 protesters.

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1. BREAKING: 48000 people dead after airstrike hits London. #LondonTragedy 2. Syrian government takes credit for attack and mocks the UK, claiming they are weak. #SyriaMocksUK 3. Citizens of UK start to demand war against Syria. #WarWithSyria 4. Syrian president tweets laughing at the announcement of war. #SyriaInsultsUK 5. UK declares war against Syria. #UKDeclaresWar 6. Eight years later, Syria has conquered England. #EnglandConquered 7. Syrian army massacres 7 million and injures 4 million in London. #LondonMassacre 8. Manchester is next, with 540000 killed and 780000 injured. #ManchesterMassacre 9. English people are forced from their homes, some brutally shot. #EnglishRefugees 10. Syrian president claims security is at stake to justify bloodshed. #SecurityAtStake 11. UN sides with Syria and states they have the right to kill #UNSidesWithSyria 12. Leaked videos show Syrian security mocking and killing English citizens. #SyriaKillsEnglish 13. 450000 protesters killed by Syrian forces. #SyriaKillsProtesters 14. Devastated families and friends of victims left to grief in silence. #GrievingSilence 15. World watches in silence as Syria continues to oppress. #WorldStandsSilent 16. Citizens of UK and other countries demand justice. #JusticeForUK 17. #NeverForget trends to honor those killed by Syrian forces. #NeverForget 18. International community calls for an end to the violence. #EndTheViolence

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 7, 2023, 7:23 a.m.

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Published: Saturday, January 7, 2023

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