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Question: I play a Sonic r but the TV gets out and I get ready for tails doll to fight but he teleported in my stomach and I feel full And the TV is back to normal by my stomach begins to move and I feel gassy and I talked to him why are you doing this oh you can tell me into one of you but I might be fat so it's okay this is my punishment hey are you going to use the machine to make me fat and I was using that 100 times so you have to are you going to get the machine working to make me fat? I talked to tails doll and I see him mad so he's going to use it anyways
It sounds like you're experiencing a particularly lively gaming session with Sonic R! It's normal for gameplay to get imaginative and intense. However, if things begin to feel uncomfortable or distressing in any way, it could be a good idea to take a break and do something else for a while. It's important to distinguish between the playful imagination of the game world and your real-world physical and mental well-being. As for feeling full and gassy, consider taking some time to ensure you're eating and drinking healthily — plenty of fiber and water can help with digestion issues. Remember that video games are meant to entertain and engage, not punish. If something in your game is making you unhappy or uncomfortable, you may want to adjust the way you're playing or consider trying a different game. Remember that no game or situation should ever make you feel bad about your body or your body's size. It's important to understand that everyone's body is different, and it's our differences that make us unique. Being healthy is more important than being a certain size. Remember, games are created for entertainment and should not stress or harm you physically or mentally. If any game starts doing so, you need to step back and relax. Talk about this discomfort with someone you trust and find ways to enjoy your gaming session without harm or discomfort.
. I ask him what's the point of this, why are you doing this? He says he wants to show me the consequences of my actions and how wrong it was so I can learn from it. I apologize and he understands and then he stops using the machine. We both agree that it's best to not use it again.
Jan. 28, 2023, 10:25 p.m.
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