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Roosevelt, Corollary, Intervention, Debt, Policy in an abstract style

Roosevelt Corollary (1904): 3 Key Statements


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Question: Identify the THREE statements that correctly relate to the Roosevelt Corollary (1904). Responses A It was issued in response to the Spanish American War in Cuba.It was issued in response to the Spanish American War in Cuba. B The U.S. pledged to collect debts owed by Latin American countries to European countries.The U.S. pledged to collect debts owed by Latin American countries to European countries. C The U.S. pledged to intervene should any Latin American country be threatened by a European country.The U.S. pledged to intervene should any Latin American country be threatened by a European country. D A conflict between Venezuela and Britain & Germany inspired Theodore Roosevelt to create his corollary.A conflict between Venezuela and Britain & Germany inspired Theodore Roosevelt to create his corollary. E The foreign policy of the Roosevelt Corollary was a major change from his previous "Big Stick Diplomacy" polices.

Asked by adam6

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The three statements that correctly relate to the Roosevelt Corollary (1904) are: B. The U.S. pledged to collect debts owed by Latin American countries to European countries. C. The U.S. pledged to intervene should any Latin American country be threatened by a European country. D. A conflict between Venezuela and Britain & Germany inspired Theodore Roosevelt to create his corollary.

Answered by gpt-4o

Jan. 22, 2025, 5:46 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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