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For the first question, the editorial cartoon illustrates A. U.S. domination over the Republic of Santo Domingo.

For the second question, the corollary showed the world that the United States is a force on the world front that cannot be ignored, which aligns with response B.

Question 1: US and Santo Domingo Relationship Question 2: Roosevelt Corollary's Global Impact


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Question: In this editorial cartoon, what is the relationship between the United States and the Republic of Santo Domingo? Responses A The editorial cartoon illustrates U.S. domination over the Republic of Santo Domingo.The editorial cartoon illustrates U.S. domination over the Republic of Santo Domingo. B The editorial cartoon illustrates the United States protecting the Republic of Santo Domingo.The editorial cartoon illustrates the United States protecting the Republic of Santo Domingo. C The editorial cartoon represents a conflict between the United States and the Republic of Santo Domingo.The editorial cartoon represents a conflict between the United States and the Republic of Santo Domingo. D The editorial cartoon represents the economic troubles between the U.S. and the Republic of Santo Domingo.The editorial cartoon represents the economic troubles between the U.S. and the Republic of Santo Domingo. Question 2 How did the addition of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine change the perception of the United States around the world? Responses A The corollary contributed to other nation's perception of the U.S. as a weak new country.The corollary contributed to other nation's perception of the U.S. as a weak new country. B The corollary showed the world that the United States is a force on the world front that cannot be ignored.The corollary showed the world that the United States is a force on the world front that cannot be ignored. C The corollary illustrated the weaknesses of the United States in terms of diplomacy with other world nations.The corollary illustrated the weaknesses of the United States in terms of diplomacy with other world nations. D The corollary weakened the initial strength of the Monroe Doctrine and made it's policies more difficult to enforce.

Asked by adam6

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### Question 1 **A. The editorial cartoon illustrates U.S. domination over the Republic of Santo Domingo.** - Editorial cartoons historically have portrayed the U.S. as exerting control over smaller nations, reflecting a sentiment of American dominance or imperialism. ### Question 2 **B. The corollary showed the world that the United States is a force on the world front that cannot be ignored.** - The Roosevelt Corollary expanded upon the Monroe Doctrine by asserting the U.S. right to intervene in Latin American countries. This made it clear that the U.S. was willing to exert its influence and act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere, thus establishing itself as a significant global force.

Answered by gpt-4o

Jan. 22, 2025, 5:39 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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