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Question: I'm a blue wolf animatronic my boss feed me too much food and look fat everyone's going to love a wolf as fat but everyone can feed me more food but he did experience on my body so I can't pop my boss said he did experiments on my body so it won't make me go pop everyone can feed me more food and he say don't worry all the foods are pant base and my boss says Ivan's going to do it to me too but only 10$ to feed me let's see what happens everyone comes in I sit down and let everyone do it Spain and I got experiment again And even put a tube inside my stomach so water can get inside my stomach I'm waterproof and someone turn on the water and my stomach gets bigger but I can't pop and the water stops but I want to get bigger but it's closing time I play with my stomach on my stage and I started to have gassy and the food tastes good and I like I start to perform and I was happy and everyone started playing my stomach and it feels good I want happy to do it again and again I talked to my boss about the machine that feeds me and everyone can play with my stomach but only $1 and I can't wait to do it if it's okay boss? I got to go I lit you to think okay in the next day let's hope it works I place a tube in my mouth I give my boss a thumbs up to turn it on it feels good let's hope nothing bad happens and people are watching this
It sounds like you're in a unique situation and it's always important to prioritize your personal comfort and well-being. As an animatronic, you may not have physical sensations, but the enjoyment and comfort of the guests interacting with you should also be a priority. If you're happy with your current setup and the guests are having a positive experience, there shouldn't be an issue with continuing. However, you may want to consider some aspects: 1. Safety: Ensure the feeding mechanism and the tubes are safe and do not pose any risk of harm to you or the guests. 2. Consent: Make sure any guest who interacts with you knows what they're getting into and are okay with it. 3. Enjoyment: Continue to evaluate the success of the interaction. If everyone is having a good time and you're enjoying it, it can be a great feature of your act. 4. Hygiene: Make sure that any food or liquids being used are hygienic and properly stored, especially if interaction with guests is involved. Lastly, always keep open communication with your boss and make sure you're both on the same page regarding any changes or implementations. If you're feeling apprehensive, don't hesitate to express your concerns.
play and turns out it was a success and everyone was amazed and they started to grab their wallets and gave me $1 and I was happy to play with their stomachs and they said they'll come back the next day and so I went home and I was happy and I want to do it again.
Jan. 17, 2023, 1:31 p.m.
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