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Persona 5 and Minecraft Steve and EDP445.

Persona 5's Joker and Winston and Minecraft Steve and Giorno Giovanni and EDP445


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Question: Make me a horror story about George Washington and Batman and Detective Pikachu and Lord Farquad and Jabba The Hut and Thanos and Monkey D Luffy and Vegeta and Joker(Persona 5) and Winston Overwatch and Giorno Giovanni and Minecraft Steve and EDP445 and Deji

Asked by idk

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Once upon a time, George Washington, Batman, Detective Pikachu, Lord Farquad, Jabba the Hut, Thanos, Monkey D Luffy, Vegeta, Joker (from Persona 5), Winston (from Overwatch), Giorno Giovanni, Minecraft Steve, EDP445 and Deji were all in the same room. Suddenly, the lights went out plunging the room into darkness. On the walls, huge faces appeared one after another – faces of some of the darkest characters in the DC universe, each with a sinister laugh. Jabba the Hut was the scariest of all - convulsing with fits of laughter and pointing accusingly at each of the characters one by one. Suddenly, a booming voice filled the room. It was Thanos himself. He was warning all of the characters that he was going to bring about a new era of horror for all of them and the entire world. They had no choice but to obey him. As the characters all stood there in stunned silence, the walls began to move and strange creatures started to appear in the shadows. They were monstrous and grotesquely twisted creatures coming from the depths of the DC universe. The Joker, Winston and Giorno Giovanni all had the same thought - they had to stop Thanos and his creatures from taking over the world. The characters all began to fight the creatures, and soon enough, the tide turned and it seemed like they might win. However, it was too late - Thanos had already released a deadly virus that was infecting the world. Suddenly, out of the corner of the room, a figure appeared - it was Minecraft Steve! Steve had created a giant computer and had uploaded a virus that would destroy the virus that Thanos had released. With their world saved, the characters all cheered. But the battle wasn't over yet - Jabba the Hut and Thanos had escaped, vowing to return another day. The characters all lived happily ever after - except EDP445, who was mysteriously never seen again. Some say he was taken by Thanos to be used as a puppet to help spread more fear and terror. Whatever happened to EDP445, one thing is certain - he was never seen again.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 12, 2023, 7:42 a.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user idk's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Thursday, January 12, 2023

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