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Question: I’m sorry chase I know I haven’t been easy to love but I am sorry for everything that you’ve have asked me to do I am very suborn all the time but you have been trying to be there for me when I need you and right now I do need you and please do not give up on me bc I don’t want lose you at all now
It sounds like you’re writing a heartfelt message to someone named Chase, and you want to convey your remorse and your need for their support. Here’s a conversational and compassionate version of your message that you might find useful: --- Hey Chase, I know I can be really stubborn at times, and I haven’t always been easy to love. I’m truly sorry for all of that. I realize now how much you've been trying to be there for me, even when I might not have appreciated it as much as I should have. Right now, I really need you in my life, and I don’t want to lose you. Please don’t give up on me. I’m willing to work on myself and our relationship because you mean a lot to me. Thank you for always being there. --- This version aims to communicate your feelings clearly and sincerely, while acknowledging both your faults and your appreciation for Chase’s support.
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