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Image of a historical naval battle during the U.S. Civil War, featuring Union ships enforcing a blockade against Confederate ports.

Naval Supremacy: The North's Strategic Advantage in the Civil War


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Question: The North's naval superiority was most important in the U.S. Civil War because Responses A it kept Britain from reaching the South with troop kept Britain from reaching the South with troop reinforcements. B the most important battles were fought in along the Atlantic coast.the most important battles were fought in along the Atlantic coast. C the South suffered heavy defeats in all of the naval battles of the war.the South suffered heavy defeats in all of the naval battles of the war. D it allowed the North to blockade the South and shut off most of its trade.

Asked by Adam404080

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The most accurate response is: D) It allowed the North to blockade the South and shut off most of its trade. The Union's naval superiority enabled them to implement the Anaconda Plan, which aimed to blockade Southern ports and cut off essential supplies and trade to the Confederacy. This strategy significantly weakened the South's economy and war effort over time.

Answered by gpt-4o

Jan. 22, 2025, 1:51 p.m.

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Published: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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