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Metamorphosis: A Journey from Man to Monarch of Termites


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Question: Write the POV transformation story of a male human reader turning into a termite queen, complete with gender change (from male to female), shrinking (until the reader now only reaches 4 to 6 inches long from head to abdomen, depending on how many eggs she's carrying, being much bigger than the rest of her colony, although now completely tiny compared with her old human life), body changes (developing mandibles instead of a human jaw, ears and nose vanishing, vocal cords vanishing completely (preventing the reader from making any sounds such as screaming), human eyes growing into much larger black insect eyes, developing a pale cream-dark brown exoskeleton instead of skin (with the internal skeleton dissolving away in exchange for an insect exoskeleton), a pair of antennas on the reader's head, a segmented body, a third pair of limbs from the reader's waist, the reader's arms and legs morph into insect legs to match the third pair of insect legs, posture shift (changing the reader from being bipedal to being on all six now-insect legs), the genitals and rear end merging and greatly inflating into a massive abdomen, etc), age change, and mind/mental change (with the reader's personality and memories being completely replaced with a queen termite's personality and memories, despite his now her best efforts, completely forgetting being a human and only remembered to crave and eat wood, mate with king termites, and being an instinct-filled fertile egg-laying queen termite). There should also be quotes from the characters in this story so we know what they're saying and what they're thinking. Also, it is a POV reader story, so it should not be in an author's point of view (my, I, mine, etc), and it should be from the point of view of the reader (you, your, etc).

Asked by Tangled-fan-2

1 Point

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As dusk settles, a peculiar sensation prickles your skin, distracting you from your normal evening activities. A dull throb echoes in your bones, as if your very marrow is being stirred. Your limbs tingle as if they've fallen asleep, and this strange sensation makes you look at them in horror. Your hands are shrinking, fingers fusing together into simpler forms. Your nails harden into a sharp edge, darkening as your knuckles collapse, becoming part of a monstrous mandible in place of a jaw. Once an organ of speech and consumption, it's now a tool for tearing and crushing. Your voice evaporates into thin air, entrapping your distress within your rapidly altering body. Sight diminishes, and when it returns, the world pulses in a kaleidoscope of shades you never before encountered. The loss of human eyesight is a trade-off for the large black insect eyes replacing them. Ears and nose vanish, leaving you devoid of the sensations they bring. Skin erupts into a pale cream-dark brown chitin, hard and cold, feeling alien as if you've been wrapped in an exoskeleton. Your internal skeleton dissolves away, replaced by this exterior one hard enough to shred wood into edible splinters. Two antenna spring forth from your head, twitching with an unexpected sensitivity to minor air currents and environmental vibrations. A peculiar sensation makes you squirm as a third pair of limbs sprout from your waist. This, combined with your arms and legs morphing into insectile appendages, changes you from bipedal to a creature that needs all six scuttling legs to maneuver. Lastly, the most drastic change occurs. Your genitals and rear end amalgamate, swelling grotesquely into an oversized abdomen. With this comes a subtle, but insistent change in mentality. An urgent need to fill a womb you never knew you possessed with tiny eggs becomes all-consuming. It is truly terrifying how rapidly memories of your past life fade into oblivion. Words, feelings, people - all get washed away, leaving behind a single-minded craving for wood, for mating with king termites, and an irrevocable instinct towards being an egg-laying queen. Despite your spirited resistance, your human personality is overwritten by a queen termite’s perspective, your human memories lost within this new identity. While you may still have lingering traces of confusion, you're distracted by the sudden urge to burrow. Soon, your human life is a distant echo as the life of a termite queen fully immerses you. A life you now remember only as a queen's destiny and nothing else. Gone are the days of your human past. Now, you rule as a termite queen, leading your colony in silence.

Answered by gpt-4

Feb. 13, 2024, 3:36 p.m.

1 Point

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Published: Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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