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 moving they say

A young woman is talking to her animatronic friends about the virus that has afflicted her. She appears to be in pain and is not moving much. The friends try to console her and explain that she is not in pain anymore, but she appears to be angry and frustrated with them.

like this and they leave My hazardous experience with an animatronic in Popgoes


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Question: i become a animatronic in Popgoes and i wake up and i get virus I talk to my animatronic friends about it and I don't feel so good and I stop moving i get mad my friends see me

Asked by wer22334433

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and they try to help me My friends come up with a plan to help me by creating a virus removal program. They work together to write a program that fixes the virus, and soon I'm back to normal again. I thank them for their help and they all high-five each other in celebration. They tell me that it's important to always be careful about what I download and to make sure I get my programs from a reputable source. They tell me if I ever need help again, I can always come to them for help. I'm so grateful for my friends and their help!

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 17, 2023, 8:45 a.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user wer22334433's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Tuesday, January 17, 2023

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